Lika Petrychenk

Mobile QA Engineer
Neugelb Studios GmbH, Commerzbank AG

Personal Background (academic training, degrees, continuing education, certificates etc.):

Engineering, Maritime Logistic

What does a typical project or task look like in your day-to-day work (example project/task)?

Mostly for me it’s a comparison of documented and implemented. But on the paper, most of the time is different, because in real life we need to consider many factors, so therefore it’s usually a lot of communication between teams who does theoretical, technical and business part and you need to consider all of them to perform the best. 

IT needs more #femalemindset.

Lika Petrychenk

Which three skills are essential in your position?

  • Attention to details
  • Curiosity – always search for another way
  • Prioritization

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